Mek Wi Reason
This podcast is not about the birds and the bees! The entertaining Daddy-Daughter Duo speaks about cultural issues, politics, language, food, music and everything in between - even topics considered too extreme. Hosts Tee-Rob and Nelly compare their lives in Jamaica and America as they journey through their discoveries, and the culture shock that follows. Their Jamaican-American experience gives them a unique perspective to which you may be able to relate. Join us Mek Wi Reason ! Facebook -> Instagram->
Mek Wi Reason
Memory Lane: Christmas in Jamaica
Tee-Rob & Nelly
Season 1
Episode 7
Nothing compares to Christmastime in the Caribbean. There is extra jolliness and kindness in the air. The smell of black cake baking and sorrel making engulfs the air, and the best thing of all, we don't wear winter jackets.
Join Tee -Rob, and Nelly as they describe their childhood Christmas experience in Jamaica.
Instagram: MekWiReason
Facebook : Mek Wi Reason